Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Modify FreeNas configuration file

Editing of FreeNAS configure file is not possible from the FreeNAS shell.
To modify the configuration - Eg., /etc/fstab on FreeNAS

share /etc directory using NFS / CIFS share - ( Make sure its not a read only share)
mount /etc share on linux partition.
Use vi tool to modify the configuration file and save the configuration.

:) done.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

perl module checks & installation

[root@mail ~]# instmodsh
Available commands are:
l - List all installed modules
m - Select a module
q - Quit the program

perldoc perlmodlib - Will display all modules that are installed along with the standard perl packages
perldoc perllocal - Will display all additional modules that were installed.

To install perl modules - (Make sure your system is connected to internet)
perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> o conf - will display the configurations
cpan> o conf init - Will reinitiate the configuration.
cpan> install Bundle::cpan --- Sample command to install modules.